Snoack Studios

Stop Traffick Fashion Twitter

Social Media by Shannon Noack on February 9, 2013


Stop Traffick Fashion supports human trafficking victims by selling clothing and accessories made by survivors. Their new brand features a very real and earthy look, using tons of paint splatters, which we utilized in their new Twitter background and header image. The mostly black and white background complements the vivid header photo that features a bright painted scene. Their tagline is also featured in bright pink on the side where it can always be seen.

TalentSplash Twitter

Social Media by Shannon Noack on February 8, 2013


TalentSplash is a social media site for talent, fans and businesses where they can connect and support talent all over the world. Their bright new twitter background features shots of different types of talent that you can find on TalentSplash, everything from clowns and DJ’s to painters and singers. The header image features a wave image that TalentSplash utilizes in their imagery, and gives a nice look to the profile.

Delia’s Mediterranean Grill Twitter

Social Media by Shannon Noack on February 8, 2013


Delia’s twitter background showcases some great photos of their food and restaurant, allowing users to visually see what they are all about. They also provide some contact information so users can get in touch if they need to. The look of the background falls in step with their website and other marketing materials.

Mark Thompson Twitter

Social Media by Shannon Noack on February 8, 2013


This online marketing guru needed a great Twitter background that showcased all of his different websites and blogs, giving users lots of contact information and different areas where they could connect. We wanted the look to be clean and streamlined, and added a slight texture to complete the look and bring everything together.

Dr. Mark Spier Twitter

Social Media by Shannon Noack on February 8, 2013


A custom Twitter background was created for Dr. Mark Spier’s podiatry practice, that matches his Facebook custom tab and website design. We wanted to keep the design simple but visually-appealing and informative of his services and offerings. A phone number, list of services and picture gives users a good idea of what Dr. Spier offers.

TalentSplash YouTube

Social Media by Shannon Noack on February 8, 2013


TalentSplash features different types of talent, everything from models and songwriters to magicians and dancers. We showcased a bunch of photos of many unique talents that can be seen on the site, and sprinkled them about to give them a varied and fun look. The bright blue is featured in their branding and can be seen throughout the site.

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